🧿 nice to meet you 🧿
Allyson (she/her) and Kelsey (they/she) are experienced professional educators with a combined 11+ years in Human Design.
As a 5th Line Projector-Manifestor pair, their collaboration delivers both practical, penetrating guidance and bold, empowering initiation.
Having both been “5th Lined” (aka “burned at the stake”) before, and having found solace in their shared experience, they look forward to offering context, awareness, depth, witnessing, guidance, safety, and empowerment to fellow Heretics.
allyson forseth
5/1 emo projector
5/1 emotional projector
Left Angle Cross of Limitation
Channels of:
Possibility View & Hope Motivation
Aries Sun, Aquarius Moon, Cancer Rising
Allyson is a trauma-informed educator, mentor, and Human Design guide. Astrologically speaking, she is an agent of the moon (in her 8th house). Unafraid to sit with the darker and messier parts of the human experience, her energy is that of honoring nuance, emotional safety, and constant reverence for the cyclical nature of healing, humanity, and transformation.
As a former Spanish teacher (with a 9th house Mercury and Channel 17-62), Allyson shines in translating complex ideas for better understanding, creatively synthesizing details, and creating organized visual resources to support others. She holds Human Design close to her heart, an ever-present lens through which she sees the perfection of each human’s experience and highly differentiated needs. Allyson believes that our expansion and transformation lie within our ability to recognize and accept (even love) our limitations—not to "fix" or change who we are.
When not supporting and guiding clients one-on-one, Allyson works in the field of mental health and is a current student of Somatic Experiencing, a body-oriented modality for healing trauma and stress.
You can find more from Allyson at https://bio.site/allyson.forseth
Allyson was first introduced to Human Design in 2017 and is now approaching the seven-year mark in her experiment. As a 5/1, she is an Investigator whose education path has primarily, but not exclusively, taken her straight to the source (IHDS materials and original lectures by Ra). She values choice, options, and differentiation in learning.
In 2020, following three years of self-study, Allyson spent a year with her primary mentor: Téo Montoya. He was initiated into the System by Jagruti, a Manifestor who studied directly with Ra Uru Hu. It was guidance from Téo, as well as from teacher Jes Fields, that helped Allyson develop a more rooted, big-picture, and holistic approach to Human Design—one that made space for all parts of the human experience to breathe and be truly understood within this sometimes overly-logical system.
Allyson is a constant student of human nature and psyche. Her specialties in Human Design center around The Four Transformations (Primary Health System and Rave Psychology), as well as the Experiential Way and the Emotional Solar Plexus.
Kelsey rose tort
5/2 emo manifestor
5/2 emotional manifestor
Left Angle Cross of Upheaval
Channels of:
The Brain Wave
Perfected Form
Power View & Innocence Motivation
Aries Sun, Sagittarius Moon + Rising
Kelsey is a post-capitalist astrologer, teacher, human design experiMentor, and community initiator. Ruled by a 7th house Jupiter in Gemini, they are a student-teacher of the maia; seeking to understand and universalize the mechanics of reality within the context of individuality, relationship, cosmos, and consciousness as a whole.
Kelsey’s frequency facilitates upheaval; disrupting homogenized programming and re-orienting people to their differentiated truth and inherent wholeness. With reverence for differentiation and a knack for universalization, they embrace the simultaneous difference and sameness of each human experience. Their work incorporates various modalities, frameworks, and spiritual teachings in honoring and navigating this apparent contradiction.
Kelsey accompanies others on their journeys towards remembering what they Know, and invites deeper levels of autonomy, authenticity, faith, freedom, and surrender along the way.
Read more about kelsey at kelseyrosetort.com
Listen to kelsey’s podcast, the maia games
Kelsey is a certified Living Your Design Guide through IHDS. They began their training with Amy Lee & John Cole of the Human Design Collective (LYD, Rave ABCs, Rave Cartography), and continued on with LYD Guide Certification + 1:1 mentorship with Alokanand Diaz, who was close with and studied with Ra Uru Hu.
Four+ years into their experiment, Kelsey is grateful to have a solid foundation in the Human Design system that is grounded in source material and was preceded by nearly a decade of astrology study and practice. They also respect and highly value differentiated transmissions of Human Design beyond the original one that came through Ra’s words and frequency.
In addition to traditional HD education through IHDS, Kelsey has also studied substructure with co-facilitator Allyson Forseth, been influenced by a short but impactful mentorship with John Martin, and has learned a lot about Human Design through the expressions of many of their friends & peers whose experiments began before Kelsey’s own, including; Cat Fitzgerald, Sami Rae, Vaness Henry, Amanda Prechel, Singh, and Holly Maree.
As far as Kelsey’s own unique transmission of Human Design, Kelsey is a lover of nuance, a challenger of the binary, an agent for upheaval, and a natural at finding ways to make the complex systems of astrology & human design intuitive, organic, and accessible to anyone who resonates with their expression.