we begin October 12th and close December 16th
three months of evolving awareness
This immersive 5th line experience is inspired by the evolution of awareness through the spleen, ajna, and solar plexus centers.
Each month calibrates to the awareness of one of the centers above and contains:
one HERETIC TRANSMISSION — on a Saturday at 9a PDT / 12p EDT (live attendance optional)
one FULL GROUP HAVEN CALL — on a Monday* at 3p PDT / 6p EDT (attendance recommended)
one SMALL GROUP HAVEN CALL — on a Monday* at 3p PDT / 6p EDT (attendance strongly recommended)
one WEEK OFF for spaciousness and integration :)
see WHAT’S INSIDE for more info about each type of call.
*NOTE - if the Monday time does not work for you, and that is the only major barrier to your joining us, please reach out and let us know. Depending on the size of enrollment, there is a chance we’d consider adding a separate time for an additional cohort to hold group calls. No promises - but it would help us to be informed of your interest! Reach us via dm @heretic.haven on IG or email info@heretic-haven@gmail.com
Participating Heretics will be invited to access a Google Calendar that includes all live events listed in their local timezone + links to access via Zoom (to be shared shortly after your enrollment).
Dates & times listed above and in the curriculum schedule below are for US PDT & EDT time zones. You may wish to check your local timezone for both HERETIC CALLS and HAVEN CALLS.
Below ARE THE THEMES & calendar dates FOR heretic haven, fall 2024:
this month’s themes: foundational concepts, instinct, safety, security, naturalness, and gifts
Saturday, October 12th: HERETIC TRANSMISSION (live attendance is optional)
heretic haven orientation
the basics of the 5th line profile: themes and archetypes
the projection field: purpose, potential, paranoia, safety
the four 5th line profiles: personality & design, similarities & differences
Monday, October 21st: HAVEN CALL - full group (attendance recommended)
Monday, October 28th: HAVEN CALL - small group profile breakouts (attendance strongly recommended)
this month’s themes: experiences, challenges ("ouchies"), needs, navigating relationships in the projection field, externalizing, the Not-Self, the mind and the maia
Saturday, November 9th: HERETIC TRANSMISSION (live attendance optional)
challenges of the projection field: expectations, hard-learned truths, navigating disappointment and grief
from paranoia to discernment: transpersonal foundations, fortification of self, relationships, and boundaries
the Heretic's Not-Self Hierarchy
beware of seduction: dehumanization and honesty
Monday, November 18th: HAVEN CALL - large group (attendance recommended)
Monday, November 25th: HAVEN CALL - small group aura type breakouts (attendance strongly recommended)
this month’s themes: spirit, sacred responsibility, emotional alchemy, practical tools, embodying the heretic, finding neutrality
Saturday, November 30th*: HERETIC TRANSMISSION (live attendance is optional)
*this date may change to Monday, December 2nd due to the holiday weekend
practical awareness: aura type, the not-self, and strategy & authority
emotional alchemy: grief, releasing victimization, and releasing control
living as yourSelf: accepting and showing up for your role
Monday, December 9th: HAVEN CALL - small group breakouts (attendance strongly recommended)
Monday, December 16th: HAVEN CALL - full group closing ceremony (attendance recommended)