this is our haven
Heretic Haven is a care-ful and immersive exploration of the 5th Line experience — from projection, villainization, and victimization, to acceptance, responsibility, and empowerment. Guided by Allyson and Kelsey (seasoned 5th Lines and career educators), it is an experience designed to lift the veil on the projection field.
Heretic Haven fuses Source Material and the lived experiences of two experiMentors and teachers — along with experiential, self-reflective activities and a community of those who truly understand — to bring you on a holistic, immersive, in-depth journey through the 5th Line experience.
As 5th Lines, we need space to let our grief (and frustration, bitterness, anger, and disappointment) breathe and be witnessed with care. We need time to process our experiences and, when ready, step forward into whatever path of responsibility calls us.
Support from other heretics can help us to recognize 5th Line projections with greater clarity, so that we can ease the weight these projections hold on our sense of self.
Your time in the Haven will provide opportunities to reflect, share, listen, experiment with, and deepen your comprehension of your differentiated design.
Building on foundational knowledge about the Human Design system, your Heretic Guides will offer nuanced and in-depth applications of the knowledge as well as practical tools for navigating your unique Design and life.
The Heretic Haven is intentionally crafted to be a safe and validating space; at times, it will also be a confronting and provoking (heretical) one.
This program is ideal for any 5th Lines (5/1s, 3/5s, 5/2s, and 2/5s) who are already experimenting with Human Design, have a working understanding of foundational concepts, and are ready to see beyond the surface of the projection field.
why do heretics need a haven?
"The difficulty with the Fifth Line ... you can’t look in easily and see what’s really there. You can only project. You can only guess."
- Ra Uru Hu
Being seen by others is a basic human need. This can be complicated for Fifth Lines who exist within a projection field that blurs and clouds how we are perceived. Living in this projection field is likened to existing as a “karmic mirror,” — the people in our lives tend to see us as an obscured character, often in the light of an idealized savior or as a villain in their stories. These roles we play involuntarily can be painful, as they often diminish the complex and tender truth of the human behind the mirror.
The truth is that projection is everywhere. It is an inescapable matter of existence in the world. We all do it, and we all receive it; however, the extent to which 5th Lines must contend with and navigate the projection field is beyond what most people can fathom.
While Human Design offers us tangible ways to understand projection as a natural part of our process and practical tools for aligning to self, these tools alone do not entirely alleviate the shock, confusion, and grief that we may experience along the way. The spiraling pathway of deconditioning is full of ups and downs, clarity and doubt, unmasking, unlearning, limitation, and upheaval. Moving through all of this with the added layer of 5th line projection can be intense and incredibly isolating.
You don’t have to do it alone.