podcasts & testimonials
Allyson and Kelsey have appeared on a few podcasts to talk about the 5th line experience and the projection field! tune in below.
here’s what some fellow Heretics have said about their experience inside the haven:
“Juicy and full of resonance. So fun to watch a mani-projector duo facilitating. I feel giddy.”
“I feel like Heretic Haven really helped me to release a lot, and definitely has alchemized my process with projections. I just feel some weight lifted. I feel lighter.
I also want to say that this entire container or Haven has been so well put-together. I am sort of in awe—like, I’ve taken a lot of Human Design courses and things over time, and I didn’t really have any expectations… I’m just really, deeply, deeply inspired and appreciative and grateful for the two of you and how you created this—and the First Line foundation that you have, Allyson, and then the naturalness of Kelsey. I just feel like you two are the best pair, and it created something that was not only foundational and structured, but with so much ease and flow. It was like a very dualistic holistic vibe, and I really love it.”
“That was beyond anything I expected. You both embody this wisdom and it shows.”
“There’s an energy to my work that I haven’t had in over a year. I think a lot of it has to do with acknowledging that I’m gonna be seen regardless, and so I need to just let myself be seen as I am—let the chips fall where they may.
I had been holding myself back from the potential impact of who I am because I’m like, ‘What will the people closest to me think?’ Letting that go slowly over the last 3 months has just been like, ‘Okay, well, they will think what they want to think. The stranger that needs to hear my words is out there.’
The only feeling I have is gratitude—for the container, your beings, your presence, and your capacity to provoke and expand and challenge and encourage. It’s a gift. Thank you both for being yourselves and for offering that to us, so we can be ourselves.”
“I genuinely feel safe to share in this group setting, & am in awe of all of the fellow 5th line wisdom!”
“This space has given me a kind of ‘cushion of safety’ in my Human Design experiment and has just helped me feel so much less afraid of any potential confrontation. I’ve been noticing a lot about my open spleen and my open solar plexus and how they influence my life, and honestly, just like knowing I have this place beneath me and being connected to each of you has felt really, really helpful.
It just feels like such a gift. I do feel a little less alone in this process, and I’m feeling really grateful for this feeling of release and letting go and detachment. I just want to thank each of you for being a part of this process. It feels really, really cool.”
“Loving these connections! It’s so validating to hear about everyone’s experience as 5th lines.”
“This has been the first group that I’ve really felt like there’s an understanding, almost like speaking a completely new language, and that’s been just really helpful to get out of denial a little bit. Before, I felt like I was tricking myself a little bit into my experience of projection not being real. I was like, ‘Oh, well, I’m just being too suspicious or paranoid about this thing happening.’ Now, I’m hearing all these stories and feel like, ‘Oh, my God, it’s happening. It’s real, and it’s okay.’ I don’t have to break it down into a million parts. I’m so grateful for that experience of sharing this with everyone.”
“Feeling so seen and recognized! i Didn’t realize how much i needed this.”
“What I’m taking away from this program is knowing that I’m not responsible for other people’s experience of me. The more I can be in alignment—mind, body, heart—with my Design, my truest version of myself, my highest expression of that, the less I’m attached to the reaction or response of others and their projections of me. That’s what I’m aiming for because it’s costing me too much not to be me.
I’m letting go of my addiction to suffering because people don’t understand what it’s like to be me or to have these experiences. Some people DO understand; One thing that has been so beautiful to witness in this group is that we get each other. We see each other. We feel each other in some way because of this field that we share, even though it shows up in different ways for each of us.”